Home office Email and Windows 10 support (Alexandria- Northern Virginia)
- Alexandria, Virginia, United States
- Created at: May 29, 2020
Gig Description
'm seeking home office troubleshooting support- Email and Windows 10/Office 365/Outlook/Outlook Calendar- analysis and troubleshooting. Must be someone with a proven track record:
1. Strong experience with Win 10, Office 365, and Outlook email + Outlook calendar: functionality and settings.
2. Analyze and troubleshoot 2 separate email accounts- Go Daddy and gmail. analyze account settings; synchronize accounts with multiple devices. Must be very successful with analyzing and fixing outlook send/receive errors, different ISP's/webhosts including GoDaddy.
Please provide brief note about your depth of experience and your fees. Remote session ok.
Gig Location
Map is approximate to keep gig creator location private.