Looking for a full time or part time nanny for a 5 month old baby until the end of July. Needs experience with babies. I live in the Franconia area. If interested, please message me. Would be interested in nanny share as well.
Created at: 3 hours ago
My desk drawers won't stay closed and would like to add drawer handles
Created at: 4 hours ago
Install approximately 36-50 square feet of tile or glass back splash. The more options you offer the better, if you have tile / glass samples that would be great.
Created at: 15 hours ago
Hello and good afternoon. Sorry it's taken me a long time to return your chat-- I've been waiting to see what is going on with the government shut down. I have a two floor plus walk-out basement single family home (you can find it on Google Earth). I am looking for someone to come power wash my house the week of 17 March during the day. What do you typically charge for a job such as this? I can pay cash if that helps. If we strike a deal, I would need to know when you are coming so I can open the gates to my backyard, and keep my dogs inside.
Created at: a day ago