Black Mulch purchase and distribute under current trees/shrubs/flowers in front and back yard (gardens are small)
- December 2, 2023
- Alexandria, Virginia, United States
- Created at: December 1, 2023
Gig Description
I need somebody to purchase between 10 and 15 bags of black mulch preferably at Lowes as usually costs $10 for 3 bags and distribute the mulch under my trees/shrubs and flowers in the front and back yards. My gardens are very small so shouldn't take more than about 4 hours at most. I usually do this every year at this time, however, this year I have rented out my home and I promised the tenants that all landscaping would be handled by outside vendors. I am looking for a price for both mulch and labor for my front and back yard.
Gig Location
Map is approximate to keep gig creator location private.