Need Help Picking Up and Delivering to my Backyard 45 Bags of Mulch and Marble Chips
- Fairfax, Virginia, United States
- Created at: March 17, 2023
Gig Description
I'm looking for help with picking up, delivering, and transporting to my backyard 45 bags of mulch and marble chips that I'm going to purchase from the Home Depot in Fairfax on Blenheim Blvd. near Fairfax Circle. I live in a townhouse about 2.5 miles from the store. This might be a good opportunity for a high school young man or a college student to make some extra cash if he has access to a vehicle capable of transporting the bags. I'd appreciate any interest, referrals, and/or recommendations. Thanks.
Gig Location
Map is approximate to keep gig creator location private.