Seeking a Vietnamese Tutor in Arlington, VA

  • January 15, 2024
  • Arlington, Virginia, United States
  • Created at: December 29, 2023

Gig Description

Seeking a Vietnamese Tutor
My family is moving to Hanoi in July and we are seeking a Vietnamese tutor in Arlington, VA to help teach our two boys (ages 7 and 10) some Vietnamese basics. This does not need to be an experienced teacher (although that would be welcome) we are also very open to a fluent high school student who can teach our boys the basics and work with them on pronunciation. We are seeking someone for 1-2 hours a week, likely on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday nights (between 4pm and 8:30pm). We live in Cherrydale, 1/2 mile from Washington and Liberty High School near the Ballston Metro Station. We have a preference for someone who can teach north Vietnamese words and accents. We were hoping to find someone for $20/hour if we came to you or $25 if you came to us.

Gig Location

Map is approximate to keep gig creator location private.