vertical drain pipe from the gutter in front of the house is damaged by dog. it is bent and downspout is mangled by dog. will need to cut pipe and replace with metal pipe section and secure it to house.
Created at: 26 minutes ago
I purchased two new fans and would like to have the old ones removed and new ones installed.
Created at: 8 hours ago
Looking for a quote on how much to install a manual transfer switch inside my home. Reliance manual transfer switch. i assume you need to be an electrician to do this so please let me know
Created at: a day ago
My kitchen needs a facelift. I need to have my cabinets removed and replaced, replace the countertop (ideally granite), new sink and faucet and new backsplash. I'm open to having my cabinets painted and updated if that is an option. I will purchase the back splash myself but will need help with finding the counter (but open to using remnants). Serious inquiries only. Professionals only. Licensed and insured. References a must!