Sitemap - All Jobs
Dishwasher machine Adirondack chairs need power washed/cleanedMonday-Friday (June 10th-14th) Drop-off (8:45 am) and Pick-up (4:00 pm)-DROP OFF/PICK-UP TO CAMP FOR ONE WEEK GREAT PAYPowerwash small walk up and small patioLooking for someone to get rid of this pile of junkHVAC technician neededNeed a HVAC tech yo finalize refrigeration piping on 12000btu Mini Split (Pipe flaring and Torquing)Kitchen cabinetLawn Care—Urgent MowingPatioDog sitter 6/27-6/30Window stripping needs replacementneed one guy to help my husband move some thingsPaint Small Bathroom and replace screen on Larson retractable screen doorReplace keyboard for macOS pro laptop (2019)Remote Virtual assistantWeekday nanny for a lovely infant that’s unusually smiley :) - Full Time July, September onwardsLawn Mow and TrimPowerwash basement concrete steps entrance, back of house. Small areaPaint Deck RailingsMetal Roof MaintenanceWeed sprayingHelp With Household TasksPutting a playhouse together for 6yr old sonRadio Installation in carRadio install into carAbove Ground Pool ServicePower washing Need a couple of strong people to help unload a U-haulPlumber to fix Pressure Relief ValveDog SittingI need a electricianUnload uhaul truck help New FencingNeed fence post replaced.Mobile mechanicMobile mechanicI need someone to look at our AC unitRailroad Tie Garden StepsCleaners Needed after 9pm Weekends. Opportunity for more work if done successfully.Licensed Electrician to reinstall a GFCI.12x12 concrete padLeakingGranite countertops re-installationStucco workNeed to fix leak in the showerTrampoline to haul awayReplace an Electrical Outlet2 day fertilizing job on Z-Spray Ceiling Fan installation Mulch the lawnBook shelves Mold book shelves on into the wall.Living Room ceiling leakingMoveTree trimmingTv mountedI need shutters painted or new ones hungLawn mowing every two weeksLawnmowCloset doordeck stairs repairNeed Two Bedrooms PaintedOvergrown grass. Looking for professional mowing servicesHouse cleaner neededPine tree removalThorough Dusting NOWThorough DustingNeed inground pool openedOccasional Dog walkerI need an affordable, reliable, trustworthy plumber to fix a severe leak.Landscaping Services for Under the DeckVinyl Chair CoverRemote Virtual assistantAttic Fanconcrete jobI need two strong people to help load/unload furniture.Housekeeper for awesome family!indoor roof repairEngine InstallOver head entertainment centerLawnmower is smokingFront bike tire won't stay inflatedErrorCarpetMice elimination Pool Cleaning (Opening & Closing)replace soffit and hardy plank rotHome improvement job- bathroom fan venting through roof or outside home.Welder needed to fabricate Metal stand for Marquee lettersVirtual assistant NeededVirtual Assistant NeededQuick cleaningHouse cleaningNeed a mobile mechanic todayLawn Mower RepairLawnmower repairLawnmower repairTree trimming and landscape work Need Critter Guard Installation for my solar panel