Judaea StJohn



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My name is Judaea, I am 13 years old, but am very mature for my age. I’m looking for babysitting, helper, or tutoring jobs. When it comes to babysitting and tutoring I’d like to stay in the age range of 4-9 years old. As for helping I am available to help with any household tasks such as laundry, cleaning, dishwashing, and whatever is needed. I have been in the neighborhood for all my life as I was born here and am currently being raised here. Please reach out if you if you are interested. I hope you are all doing well and make sure to enjoy the rest of your day! ❤️

Judaea's Reviews

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  • House Keeper (Cleaning and Sanitizing,Organization,Laundry and Linen Care,Positive Attitude,View Details)

  • Nanny, Babysitter (Child Safety,Feeding,Soothing and Comforting,Sleep Routine,Play and Stimulation,Communication and Observation,Patience and Empathy,Organization and Time Management,Collaboration and Adaptability,Child Safety,Diapering and Dressing,Feeding,Bathing and Hygiene,Soothing and Comforting,Sleep Routine,Play and Stimulation,First Aid and Basic Health,Communication and Observation,Patience and Empathy,Organization and Time Management,Collaboration and Adaptability,View Details)

  • Tutoring (Subject Knowledge,Pedagogical Expertise,Communication Skills,Assessing and Monitoring Progress,Adaptability,Problem-Solving,Study Skills and Time Management,Motivation and Encouragement,Technology Integration,Organization and Planning,Building Rapport,View Details)

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