Kimberlee Johnson

Everett, Washington, United States







I am motivated, hard working, down to earth, professional student looking for pay time work.

Kimberlee 's Reviews

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  • Carpenty (Flooring Installation,Furniture Repair and Restoration,View Details)

  • Drywall (Texture Application,Time Management,Attention to Detail,View Details)

  • Elderly Care (Companionship and Emotional Support,Assisting with Activities and Recreation,Sensitivity to Aging-related Issues,Dementia and Alzheimer\'s Care,Documentation and Reporting,View Details)

  • Handyman (Painting and Decorating,Maintenance and Repair,Flooring,View Details)

  • House Keeper (Cleaning and Sanitizing,Organization,Attention to Detail,Time Management,Laundry and Linen Care,Knowledge of Cleaning Products and Equipment,Safety and Health,Communication,Discretion and Confidentiality,Problem Solving,Adaptability,Positive Attitude,View Details)

  • Moving (Furniture Assembly and Disassembly,Packing and Organization,Logistics and Route Planning,View Details)

  • Painting (Surface Preparation,Paint Application,Color Mixing and Matching,Paint Types and Finishes,Protective Coatings,Surface Repair and Restoration,Paint Spraying,Tools and Equipment,Surface Protection,Surface Inspection,View Details)

  • Tile Installation (Attention to Detail,Adhesive and Grout Application,Tile Cutting and Shaping,Tile Layout and Design,Tile Preparation,View Details)

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