Kevin Konschak

Millville, New Jersey, United States






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My goal is to provide above exceptional work for my customers.. Do you have a TV you want to hang? An outlet added or moved? Want to introduce smart home technology to your home? Need a ceiling fan hung or recess installed to lighten up a room? Any other small electrical need? Look no further...With over 15 years in the feild, I've worked on many different electrical projects, from multi million dollar homes to anything as simple as changing a switch.. Your time is important, and I am committed to making sure your project is done on time and done right....

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  • Electrician (Electrical Systems,Electrical Codes and Regulations,Blueprint Reading,Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving,Wiring and Circuitry,Electrical Equipment and Tools,Safety Procedures,Electrical Upgrades and Maintenance,Lighting Systems,View Details)

  • Handyman (Maintenance and Repair,Carpentry,Flooring,Painting and Decorating,Landscaping,Appliance Repair,HVAC,View Details)

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