Alejandro Martinez

Dinwiddie, Virginia, United States







Hard worker

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  • Concrete & Foundation (Concrete Mixing and Placement,Formwork Construction,Concrete Finishing,Concrete Repair and Restoration,Reinforcement Installation,Concrete Cutting and Sawing,Concrete Testing and Quality Control,Concrete Formwork Stripping,Concrete Demolition,Safety Procedures:,Blueprint Reading,Brickwork,View Details)

  • Handyman (Maintenance and Repair,Carpentry,Flooring,Painting and Decorating,Landscaping,Appliance Repair,HVAC,View Details)

  • Lanscaping & Garnden (Plant Knowledge,Landscape Design,Planting and Transplanting,Irrigation Systems,Lawn Care,Pruning and Trimming,Soil Management,Hardscape Installation,Landscape Maintenance,Equipment Operation,Pest and Disease Management,Safety and Regulations,View Details)

  • Masonary (Stone Masonry,Concrete Block Work,Tuckpointing,Masonry Repair and Restoration,Masonry Finishing,Masonry Cutting and Sawing,Mortar Mixing and Application,Masonry Layout and Measurement,Masonry Cleaning and Maintenance,View Details)

  • Painting (Surface Preparation,Paint Application,Color Mixing and Matching,Paint Types and Finishes,Protective Coatings,Surface Repair and Restoration,Paint Spraying,Tools and Equipment,Surface Protection,Surface Inspection,View Details)

  • Plumbing (Plumbing Systems,Plumbing Tools and Equipment,Blueprint Reading,Problem Solving and Troubleshooting,Repair and Maintenance,Pipefitting and Soldering,Codes and Regulations,Customer Service,View Details)

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