Assistance on day-of surgery, Annapolis, MD
I’m looking for a responsible female (a nurse or other medically trained professional is a plus but not required) to provide transport to and from a surgical center, and remain there for the duration of my stay (3-4 hours).
Details: Date: Friday, February 2, 2024
Time: Will not be known until the day before
Pickup: Apartment at Annapolis Towne Centre Surgical site:
Ridgely Road, Annapolis
1. No special equipment is required.
2. I will need minimal assistance getting in/out of car on return trip home.
3. Individual can wait in surgical site lobby or in car, but must remain on site until I’m discharged.
4. I’ll provide person’s preferred cold beverages.
5. Payment will be based upon hourly rate of $50 an hour. Time starts at pickup, ending at drop-off. Gratuity for exceptional care.
Thank you! Nancy
- February 2, 2024
- Annapolis, Maryland, United States
Created at: a year ago